Privacy Policy

The 2yWealth Academy realizes the importance of maintaining your privacy. We value your privacy and appreciate your trust in us. This policy describes how we treat the user information that we collect onour site and other offline sources.


We don’t sell, lease or share your personal information with any third party except to comply with the law, develop our products, or protect our rights. The policy applies to both current and former visitors to our website and our customers.


By visiting and/or using our website, you agree to this privacy policy.


Contact Information: We might collect your name, email ID, mobile number, age, gender, and internet protocol addresses.

Payment and Billing Information: We might collect your billing name and payment method. We NEVER collect your credit or debit card number or expiry date or other details pertaining to your credit or debit card.

Credit card and debit card information will be obtained and processed by our digital payment partner PayU.

Tracking: We use tracking tools like Facebook pixel, Google global site tag, Google analytics, browser cookies and other required tags for collecting information about your usage of our website. This helps us improve the performance of our website and to re-market visitors on different ad platforms who have visited our website in the past.

Website visitors who don’t want to have cookies placed on their computers should set their browsers to refuse cookies before visiting 2yWealth Academy. Some features on 2yWealth Academy may not function properly without the aid of cookies.

Opening our emails and or clicking on links can be tracked by our email marketing software and/or other tools that we use to check the response to our emails.


We may change our Privacy Policy from time to time, and it’s in our sole discretion. We encourage visitors to frequently check the Privacy Policy page for any changes. Your continued use of 2yWealth Academy after any change in this policy will constitute your acceptance of such a change.


Any visitor who requests a quote, fills our lead form or newsletter form, or provides us their details in any other way is thereby giving us the right to contact them about our services, show them remarketing ads, or email them to let them know about our services.